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A member registered Sep 10, 2022

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The link to serenity comes up if you click claim download key and not claim steam key

Log in to itch on a web browser and select my games. Click the download button and this will take you to the itch download page, on here is a claim steam key section, click claim and it will take you to a steam login page. Login into your account and you will then be asked to link your account to itch, do this and it will take you back to your itch page. Click the claim button again an it will give you the steam key.

Go back to steam and go to activate a product on steam and paste the key in.

Hasn't been updated in nearly two years??? Latest update on itch is June 2022, latest update on Patreon is February 2023. Yes itch is a bit behind Patreon both updates are still less then a year old.

Loving the game can't wait for more. Just wondering does the type of speech you use (normal, funny, angry) have any affect as have played through the update and haven't unlocked 1 lewd scene or the cut scene but can't see that I missed anything.